“Fool’s Spring” by Roe Horvat



Maybe I’ve made a mistake. My cottage, albeit charming, needs nonstop work, the weather’s abysmal, and my last bank account statement simply said, “Bless your heart.” But I don’t regret moving to the Swedish countryside. The job is great, and I’m making friends. Who said Swedes were cold and distant? I only need some cheap firewood to tide me over until the real spring arrives.

Out of nowhere comes rescue—a gorgeous Viking on a tractor. He helps me with firewood and drives me to the hardware store. I shouldn’t be crushing on Björn since he looks as straight as they come. But then the shy hunk of a man turns up on my porch with a bag of cinnamon rolls, blushing…


Life is uneventful for a gay man in a village of three hundred people, but I like it quiet. I have fifteen thousand hectares of forest to manage, so it’s not like I get bored.

Except now an American from the South bought an old cottage on the edge of my property and he’s shoveling April snow in his sneakers. The good people of Gryta are already betting on when he’ll run back to Stockholm.

Eric is in dire need of help, so here I am, dangling on a ladder, pressure-washing the gutters on his cottage. He’s absolutely charming, gorgeous, and all my wet dreams come true. What if I fall in love and he leaves?


‘A fool for love.’
‘We are all fools in love.’
‘Love is a misunderstanding between two fools.’
‘Tell me then, does love make one a fool or do only fools fall in love?’
There are countless quotes about fools and love. I wonder why? Does love truly make us crazy? I think it does…in the very best way. Before I get too carried away about how crazy good this story is, I have to tell you what a fool I made of myself when I saw the newsletter from Roe announcing this book. I squealed, jumped up and down with my eyes closed, and flailed in a silly little circle. Luckily, I was at home. But I would have done the same in the supermarket or at work. I have devoured Roe’s stories and can easily dive into any for a reread. I’m not a huge fan of omega stories and since the last few years books have been mpreg, I’ve been in a Horvat drought. BUT! *hooray* My Roe wells have been replenished. *happy dance*  Actually, since we’re in Sweden in spring (or second winter as we like to call it in my northern neck of the woods) and things are beginning to melt, all the wells are overflowing. Speaking of full, my book heart is happy…let me tell you why.

So. Much. Goodness. I can’t pinpoint my favorite thing about Horvat’s stories, because there are so many. I can always count on compelling characters (number one) set within spectacular settings (number two) with the full monty of feels (number three). There’s strong balance, concise prose, and a distinct writing style that could only be Horvat (four, five, six). I could continue but…you get my point. Bottom line, Horvat is a sure thing. This time we get a sultry and tender romance between a burly lumberjack and a dashing schoolteacher. Eric and Björn. *sigh* Eric doesn’t only fill a vacancy at the small school in Gryta, he goes all in and buys a small cottage sight unseen. He needs a fresh start and Sweden was the perfect place for his new chapter. Björn can’t sit by and not help his new neighbor. Especially since he makes him hot from head to toe and his heart tapdance in overdrive. And the poor guy needs all the help he can get.

Prepare for a slow burn. But never fear, you’ll be sweating before long. I loved their timid sway, it takes a bit before they tango. Trust me, it’s worth the wait. Things begin with a plow (of the road) and then a cord of wood (ahem, firewood that is), and then we get some sweet buns (cinnamon rolls). Geesh, you’re making it hard for me to tell you about the sweetness! I haven’t even gotten to the sauna shenanigans and skinny dipping! But the best part? The best part is how happy they are. Somehow, Roe turns a hot and heavy moment into a bright bubble of joy. Their shy frolic seems too fragile for the overzealous community to know about. They decide to date on the down low. Their covert courtship was precious, playful, and passionate. I couldn’t get enough! We all know secrets can’t be kept forever and soon the gossip wildfire roars. But maybe what they have built is stronger than they thought. Looks like they can handle what Gryta tosses at them. With the queer club and Björn’s rockstar mom backing them up, they can tackle anything. Or will independence, pride, and a crumbling cottage be too much? Looks like you’ll just have to find out. Ha! #enjoy (I know you will!!)



SEXY sizzling chemistry…but also gentle charming affection. Nosey nip-shitting neighbors…full of good intentions and heart. And *secret-not-secret* patience is the key to winning over a Swedish man.


bookisforHorvat fans!! This story is absolutely everything I love about Roe’s stories…with an added layer of comfort. I didn’t need any angst or drama…there was enough to fill my wells without kicking me around first. Thanks, Roe…I’ve missed your words!!



TITLE: Fool’s Spring
AUTHOR: Roe Horvat
PUBLISHER: self-pub
LENGTH: 252 pages
RELEASE DATE: June 14, 2024
BUY LINKS: Amazon, AmazonUK 

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